We believe in local art.
Each month in the Program Room, we feature works from a local artist. We've enjoyed the work of artists both young and old, emerging and experienced. Come on by during operating hours to peruse the current exhibit.
The exhibits are free to view, but viewing times may be limited by other activities in the space. Check before you come at 978-779-2839.
Capacity of the Program Room/Gallery is limited to 30 people at any given time. Please keep this in mind when planning an artist's reception. A request to use the Program Room must be submitted in order to reserve the space for a reception.
The Library Gallery is a shared space and is sometimes occupied by meetings or other activities. If you're coming from a distance, please check the library calendar (http://www.boltonpubliclibrary.org) or call ahead (978-779-2839) to see if the space is clear.
September 2024: Bolton/Harvard artists
October 2024: Rena Shear
November 2024: Central MA Plein Air painters
February 2025: Gallery in the Pines students
April 2025: Florence Sawyer School students
May 2025: Bolton Artisans Guild
September 2025: Bolton/Harvard artists
November 2025: Central MA Plein Air painters
Interested in displaying your artwork at the library?
Artists in any two-dimensional medium are invited to use the Program Room as gallery space. We hope you’ll make the Program Room walls a vibrant space in the community! Interested artists should complete the Art Release form and submit it to the Library Director. Once your proposal is received, the Library Director will contact you to work out dates and details.
Before submitting your proposal, take a minute to look over the Art Policy.
The Library Director, Kelly Collins, can be reached at 978-779-2839 x202 or email [email protected]
Before submitting your proposal, take a minute to look over the Art Policy.
The Library Director, Kelly Collins, can be reached at 978-779-2839 x202 or email [email protected]